The Heart of West Prince

Town of Alberton – Symbols
Alberton Icon

Town Slogan

The slogan of the Town of Alberton is “The Heart of West Prince.” It was created by Pat Murphy, who served as Mayor from 2004-2006. West Prince refers to the area that makes up the western portion of Prince County. Alberton is located in the middle or ‘heart’ of this area. Alberton also acts as a service centre for a number of surrounding communities.

Town Crest

The Town Crest is circular in shape bearing the words “Prince Edward Island” and “Canada” on the outer border identifying the province and country in which Alberton is located. The centre has a stylized letter “A” with a fox placed in front of the letter. The fox represents the Silver Fox industry which was an industry that brought great wealth and prominence to Alberton in its earlier days. Beneath the letter is a banner bearing the words “Alberton” and “Inc. 1913”, indicating the year Alberton was incorporated as a Town.

Town Flag

The Town Flag was unveiled during the centennial year of the Town of Alberton in 2013. A public contest for the design of the flag was announced in 2012, and a design by Kelly Gillis was selected by the committee. The flag has a dark green background with the Town Crest centred on the flag. A banner with the Town Slogan “The Heart of West Prince” is positioned beneath the Town Crest.

Mayor's Chain of Office

Mayor’s Chain of Office

The Mayor’s Chain of Office is worn by the Mayor on formal and special occasions. The chain is secured on a dark-coloured cloth. Numerous symbols, composed of metal, are on the chain which relate to the history and location of Alberton. These include maple leaves referring to Canada and foxes which pay homage to the Silver Fox industry of Alberton’s earlier years. The chain also has the crest of the Province of Prince Edward Island centred at the bottom of the chain. Suspended from the chain is a medallion bearing the crest of the Town of Alberton. The names of past mayors are engraved on small plates which encircle the chain.